That I had to pick a career, go to university and get a job.

They were wrong.

They told me I had to fit into a box - a woman.

I had to fit into unrealistic beauty standards, my body was for men’s viewing pleasure, I had to play small - I couldn’t take up space, I couldn't let myself be seen or heard - that’s for men.

They were wrong.

They told me I had to pick one title- I had to be just a wife, or a coach, or a Yoga Teacher or Branding Strategist.

They were wrong.

Growing up, I was told that I had to follow one path….

work with kai

They were wrong.

They kept me caged in this small minded thinking for the first 30 years of my life and I was miserable, unhealthy and not living my soul purpose.

Now, I am not just living my Soul Purpose, I am unleashing it

Helping others break free of the boxes, the labels, the titles, the pressure and fully unleash who they are.

Your Soul is Calling, and if you’re reading this, it’s time to answer.

...They told me I had to be perfect, smile & never complain or never show my emotions.

Born and raised on a small island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to a Filipino Mother and American Father, I grew up in an actual paradise, but it didn't feel like "paradise" at all for me.

I always felt different, like I didn’t belong.

Not brown enough for the Asians, not white enough for the Americans. Too tall for being a girl, too outspoken and sassy to be tamed, too weird and wild to fit in.

my story

Growing up, I always felt different, like I didn't belong.

Let's work together

Now working with clients to create their own, soul purpose businesses

Launched my Soul Purpose Business and supported 100+ clients from all over the world, hit my first $10K month and worked with Valentino, Standard Chartered, and Chaloub Group

Had a massive breakdown & started struggling with health issues, burnout, panic attacks -- I knew there had to be a better way & began exploring holistic healing.

Left Hawaii for a journey that took me from NYC → to Madrid → to the Middle East

Started my Wellness Business as a Yoga Teacher & Sound Healer - Taught over 10,000 hrs & over 1,000 students

a few highlights...

2008 - 2015

2020 - 2021
2022 - 2023

as featured in

At 18 I moved to New York then traveled all over the world, alone, exploring different cultures and meeting new people and thought I was on another one of my “explorations” when I ended up moving to the United Arab Emirates alone with my cat at 25 years old.

Little did I know, this was “my paradise.”

At 16, after reading The Alchemist, I had gotten my first tattoo, a word in Arabic, "Maktub" meaning "it is written, or Fate." So it was written, I had found my "paradise" and "my treasure" 

My Soul Purpose.

But before I got to live it, I first had to battle through hell...

I struggled with Eating Disorders, Health Issues, Gut Problems, Panic Attacks, & Constant Burnout.

Because I wasn’t living my soul purpose.

I was living my life trying to please others -- first my parents, then my friends, then men I dated, then my bosses at work!

I was also trying to do it all -- be perfect. The perfect daughter, friend, girlfriend, teacher, Sales Manager, Coach, everything!

There was nothing wrong with me.

The only thing I did “wrong”, was listening to other people, instead of my soul.

So I stopped, I broke it all, the “good girl” image, the “people pleaser” labels and I stepped into my motherf*cking soul purpose.

That day I did that, I never looked back.

Everything changed, and that my dear one, is what I am here to help you do ;)

Unleash your Soul Purpose.

Together we’ll build the baddest, most magickal Soul Purpose Business and Brand this world has ever seen - and you literally get to get paid to be you!

That’s what a Soul Purpose Business is all about

So I left Hawaii to find my tribe, my people & the thing I knew was missing. 

tell me more

I lovedddd my sessions with Kai and benefited from them so much!

- l.r.

Kai has pushed me to think what my “dream life” would be, what are the things that drive me and that i enjoy doing, and what my dharma blueprint is. Kai has also helped me understand my human design which made so much sense! I now know what my “dream life” is in terms of what career i want to pursue, where i want to live, what environment i want to thrive in, and so many other things. I would like to keep working with Kai to make sure i am always on the right path to manifest these things in my life and actually live this dream life!"

Dip your toes into this Soul Purpose Journey, which includes powerful journaling prompts, my personal Soul Purpose Playlist, & a cheeky surprise (or two!) when you make it to the end. ;)

discover your purpose

free challenge 

The Free Soul Purpose Challenge