By Kai Simmonds, Soul Purpose and Mindset Coach
#soulpurpose #liveyourpurpose #soulpurposecoach #mindsetcoach #soulpath

Don’t get me wrong I’m all about wanting to do cool things – traveling, seeing how beautiful the world is, falling in love, swimming with great white sharks in South Africa, taking selfies with llamas in Peru, meeting an actual “Lion King” in Kenya….

These were all the things that my childhood me only dreamed she could do- and I did it.
At first it started off in my 20s as a Bucket List to travel to new places, and live outside the US, fall in love with a European (yes, I was super specific about this since I was 16!) lol
And I did it, by 30 I had traveled to 6 continents (no thanks Antartica), met my Italian husband and settled in Dubai.
But something also happened in my 20s…
The burnout, the health issues, the anxiety, the panic attacks, the $100,000 USD in debt ( yes it really was that much!)….
So while on Social Media it looked like I was living my #bestlife having some #eatpraylove moments in Bali, all these incredible moments and memories were so fleeting – and instead of being extra grateful for it all, I would come back from these incredible experiences feeling empty.
I just became obsessed with “checking things off the list” just because, I wasn’t actually enjoying it, appreciating it
I used these things on my “bucket list” to escape my everyday life – which I hated so much.
So I said f*ck it, bucket!
I’m done with these bucket lists, I want my whole damn life to be magickal, exciting, fun, expansive – not just when I “go on holiday” or “check something off my bucket list”
And that’s what happens when you live your soul purpose.
You get to create a life, so amazing, so aligned to you that your life is literally a “bucket list” and yes I still travel and have things I want to do but I don’t “save it for my bucket list” I make it happen.
I want this for you.
For you to live your Soul Purpose.
For you to not constantly feel like you need a break, or are only happy on holidays, or use vacations as an escape.
I want everyday to be fantastical for you – getting stupid happy for the little moments….
…and some days when things are not so fantastical (this also happens) you have the tools and knowledge to move through the rough patches with a little more ease and kindness.
This is what living your soul purpose is about.
If you’re reading this and feel something in your soul come alive I’ve got something coming for you….